
Showing posts from 2019

'The Last Noel' review or 'Driving home for Christmas'

'One Million Tiny Plays About Britain' or 'Political Sketches'

'A Taste of Honey' review or 'Do you want to play house?'

'Gypsy' review or 'Mother knows best.'

'Little Red Riding Hood' review or 'No hiccups here.'

Wild Goose Dreams or 'Penguins, police and pop-ups.'

'Hunger' review or 'Nourishing theatre'

'Canterville Ghost' review or 'Wildean wit and wizardry'

'Easy' review or 'Amy IRL'

'Dirty Crusty' review or 'Can you clean up your act?'

'Little Baby Jesus' review or 'Second/third/fourth coming.'

'A Museum in Baghdad' review or 'Could we remove the glass?'

'Monstrous Heart' review or 'Has this bear been stuffed?'

'Islander' review or 'Can you see me? Can you hear me?'

King John review or 'Imposter syndrome?'

'Assassins' review or 'Bullseye.'

'Valued Friends' review or 'How's your sense of worth?'

'Rebel Music' review or 'Do you like the Clash?'

The Dong with a Luminous Nose or 'Perfect nonsense.'

'As You Like It' review or 'Let's get together and...'

'Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear' review or 'This could get a little sticky.'